Saturday, February 4, 2012

Being Muslim Class: Qur'an and Invocations for Prayers

They have specific time and length

A prayer cycle is known as Rak'ah

Prayer times: Period of time in which you have to perform the prayer.  Initially people will know by the position of the sun in relation to earth but nowadays there are many technological applications and software that will easily remind us.  Prayers time change from city to city, country to country. We always praying facing the Qibla (In North America is towards the east with a slight angle towards the north).

In the Islamic calendar, the new day starts at sunset

Prayers & Prayer times
  1. Maghrib When the disc of the sun sets completely in the western horizon.  It should be performed as soon as possible but can be performed up to before Ishaa (the next prayer).  It consists of 3 Rak’ah (3 cycles/units) in which 2 are out loud and 1 is silent.
  2. Ishaa – When the western horizon is completely dark.  Continues up to next prayer (Fajr).  It consists of 4 Rak’ah (4 cycles/units) in which 2 are out loud and 2 are silent.
  3. Fajr – (dawn prayer) When light begins to appear in the eastern horizon up until the sun rises. You have approximately one hour to perform this prayer.  It consists of 2 Rak’ah and they are both out loud.
  4. Dhuhr – (Middle day) When the sun reaches the zenith (highest point in the sky).  It consists of 4 Rak’ah, all silent.
  5. Asr – Starts when the sun is at the position where an object’s shadow equals its length.  Ends when the sun sets.   It consists of 4 Rak’ah, all silent.
Other Prayers:
  • Congregational prayer -- (Jummah): Lead by the Imaam (leader)
  • Friday prayer -- Takes place of the Dhuhr prayer.  It is in congregation at the Masjid (mosque) and there is a sermon before the prayer.  When the Imaam gets up in the pulpit and says Asalamo Alaikum (The Islamic greeting) is when the Jummah prayer starts.  After the sermon, 2 Rak'ah (out loud) will be prayed.  
      • During this prayer (including the sermon) it is forbidden to speak and everybody has to sit attentively and facing the Imaam.  
      • It is commendable (recommended) to groom oneself (nails, ghusl, wear white if possible, wear the best clothes).

Call of Prayer (Adhan)

The Adhan announces the time of a new prayer time.  It encourages congregating. 


Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. -- God is the greatest.  God is the greatest.
Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. --
God is the greatest. God is the greatest .
Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allah. --
I bear witness that there is no god except Allah (God).
Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allah. --
I bear witness that there is no god except Allah (God).
Ash-hadu anna Muhammad-ar-Rasoolullah. --
 I bear witness that Muhammad is God’s messenger
Ash-hadu anna Muhammad-ar-Rasoolullah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is God’s messenger
Hayya 'alas-Salah. Hayya 'alas-Salah.
-- Come to prayer. Come to prayer.
Hayya 'alal-falah. Hayya 'alal-falah. --
Come to Success. Come to Success.
Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. --
God is the greatest.  God is the greatest.
La ilaha ill-Allah. -- There is no god except Allah

Watch this video so you can listen to the beautiful Adhan:

♥  ♥

Prayer & Travel

     When you travel a distance of 48 miles or more from the city of your residence, it is permissible to:

  •  Shorten Dhuhr, Asr and Ishaa to 2 Rak'ah each.  
  • It is also permissible to combine prayers.  Example: You can pray Dhuhr & Asr together (2+2 rak'ah) before sunset.
  • Once you arrive to your destination, you can shorten the prayers but they have to be performed at the correct/specific time.
  • All these exceptions are ONLY acceptable for 4 days (20 prayers).  If you are planning to stay longer than 4 days away from your residence, then you cannot shorten any pray.  

Spiritual Dimensions

Body = vehicle
Prayer = should affect your soul

We need to THANK ALLAH

There are 6 qualities when praying:
  1. Focus concentration
  2. Reflective comprehension (reflect upon the prayer)
  3. Reverence (feeling respect before Allah)
  4. Awe (recognizing Allah's majesty)
  5. Hope
  6. Humility and shame (be aware of your own sins)
Make sure your & soul are clean.

When you turn into Qibla, you turn awa from EVERITHING. 

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