Saturday, January 14, 2012

Being Muslim Class: Dimension of Faith

Dimension of Faith

1.   Believe in Allah (God) -- The one who combines all perfection.  Oneness of God = There is NOTHING equal to God.  There is a great distinction between The Creator and the created.
Allah is perpetual; no beginning & no end.  The creation is in need of Allah. He is the All-Knowing.

“Recognizing our inability to understand God is how we understand God.”

2. The Angels – Creatures made out of light.  They are servants that God created; genderless beings. 

Mayor angels:

  §  Gabriel (Jibril) – Angel of revelation
  §  Michael – Supportive to Gabriel
  §  Rafael – Blows the trumpet in the last day
  §  Israil – Angel of death
  §  Munkar & Nakir – Ask questions of your faith after death
  §  Raqib & Atib – They write your good and bad deeds  
  §  Malik – Guardian of hellfire
  §  Ridwan – Guardian of Paradise

-The Jinn – Another creation of God.  They are made out of smokeless fire and they have free will.

-Iblis (shaytan) – The devil.  Made out of smokeless fire, like the Jinn.  He can only whisper to us but he can’t force us.    Iblis didn’t bow down to Adam, as God commanded him.  God expelled him from paradise.  He (Iblis) will live until the Day of Judgment.  

3. Scriptures – Messages revealed from God through Gabriel.  Their authenticity has been altered, except from The Qur’an.

§  The Torah – Prophet Moses
§  Psalms – Prophet David
§  The Gospel – Prophet Jesus
§  The Qur’an – Prophet Muhammad

4. Prophets & Messengers: 

ü Messengers – The scriptures were revealed to.
ü Prophets – They reminded us to follow God’s will.

“Not every prophet is a messenger but every messenger is a prophet.”

-         Prophets are truthful people –  They are very intelligent and convey the entire message and follow it perfectly.  Some prophets mentioned in the Qur’an:

  •         Adam
  •    Abraham
  •    Inoch
  •    Noa
  •    Ismael
  •    Isaac
  •    David
  •    Zachariah
  •    Jesus
  •    Muhammad

Prophets of Resolve :
  §  Noa (Nuh) – Rescued of God; second father of Dunya (earth)
  §  Abraham (Ibrahim) – The intimate friend of God.
  §  Moses (Musa) – The one who God spoke.
  §  Jesus (Isa) – The spirit of God. 
  *Jesus reminded people of the spiritual side; was created like Adam and was lifted to heaven before being crucified.
  §  Muhammad – The beloved of God.  The last messenger.

5. The Last Day – Pathway based on our faith. Is it Paradise or hellfire?

6. Divine decree – Everything is known by God.  Through prayer God might change certain things.
Everything is decided by Allah but we have free will and we are responsible for our actions (decisions).

“We won’t be taken into account from what happens but by how we react to it.”

NOTE: I was absent on 01.21.12, where the topic was Worship and Legal Rulings of Islam. You can find a great summary in this website (Sister Rebecca Minor):

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Being Muslim Class: A short introduction... :)

            These "Being Muslim Class" posts intend to summarize an informative class I am taking on Saturdays at Berlin Masjid in Berlin, Connecticut. Being Muslim Class is a free class that covers the essential aspects of Islam from the most basic level. This class is administered by Mr. Amjad Tarsin, who is the Muslim Chaplin at Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT.  Mr. Tarsin is very knowledgeable in these topics and he is very active in the Islamic community.

Islam = Submission to God (Allah)       

Being Muslim is a lifelong journey. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

We have to:

§  Set realistic goals while still challenging yourself. 
§  Make good friends: Surround yourself with people who will help you grow and who will remind you of Allah.